Monday, July 18, 2022

Poland to European Commission: "Enough. We showed maximum goodwill."

 During the meeting with supporters and members of Law and Justice (PiS), the leader of the party, Jarosław Kaczyński, referred to Poland's tense relations with the European Union.

Kaczyński repeatedly emphasized that he is in favor of Poland's presence in the European Union. This time, he also spoke positively about Poland's membership in the organization. - "We should be in the European Union, it helps us a lot. But in all this, we must maintain the basic value, that is, a sovereign state" - he emphasized.

"Those who created it certainly had the best intentions, but they referred to the Christian values, it never occurred to them that the Union would be a carrier of leftist ideology. And I repeat not just leftist, but the hardcore leftist."

"We are the guardians making sure that foreign customs are not imposed on us. If someone wants to profess other customs, go ahead, but let no one impose it" - said the politician. - "We want to base Polish public order on our tradition. We do not want to be 'grounded,' we do not want a religious and ideological war in Poland," - added the leader of the ruling party.


"I am speaking my individual opinion here because there is no party decision, but it is short. 'Enough, this must end. We showed a maximum goodwill.' From the point of view of the treaties, we do not have any obligations to listen to the EU regarding the administration of justice," said the PiS president.