PM Morawiecki penned an article for The Spectator. Among other things, he says that:
"The war in Ukraine has exposed the truth about Russia. [...] But the war in Ukraine has also exposed the truth about Europe. European leaders allowed themselves to be lured by Vladimir Putin. In the aftermath of the invasion of Ukraine, they are in shock."
"Europe today is in the situation it finds itself in, not because it was insufficiently integrated, but because it refused to listen to the voice of truth. That voice has been coming from Poland for many years. Poland has no monopoly on the truth, but in matters of relations with Russia we are, put simply, far more experienced than others. Poland's president Lech Kaczynski was right. Like Cassandra foreseeing the fall of Troy, he said many years ago that Russia would not stop at Georgia and would reach for more. No one listened."
"The fact that Poland's voice has been ignored is an example of the broader problem that the EU is struggling with. Each country is meant to be equal, but political practice has shown that the voices of Germany and France counts above all else. As a result, we are dealing with a formal democracy and a de facto oligarchy, where power is held by the strongest."
He clearly points to Germany as the most significant problem among others that the EU has:
"If Europe had sent weapons to Ukraine on the same scale, and at the same pace, as Germany, the war would have ended long ago: with Russia's absolute victory. And Europe would be on the eve of another war."
Even though you should go to the link above and read the whole thing, we could stop here because Morawiecki pointed to the most significant European problems today. But let's finish with one more quote:
"We must also defeat the threat of imperialism within the EU. We need a profound reform that would bring back the common good and equality to the top of the Union's principles. It will not take place without a change of optics: it is the member-states, and not the EU institutions, that must decide about the directions and priorities of the EU's actions, since it is the institutions that are created for the states, and not the other way round. The basis for cooperation must always be the development of consensus, instead of the domination of the strongest over the rest."
Will they listen this time?