News portal Wprost_pl: On January 18, during the World Economic Forum in Davos, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki was a guest on CNN. During the interview, he was asked about topics related to current politics, but also received several questions about the upcoming elections and the condition of the Polish economy.
The journalist, Richard Quest, asked the Prime Minister, among other things, whether, in order to win the elections, the United Right will have to carry out some reforms that will increase the chances of the ruling team to win. In this way, he referred to the difficult economic situation in which most European countries found themselves due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
– Do you have to do something about the economy to help people? - the journalist asked.
- Our economy is in very good shape, - replied Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.
- You're going to face a recession like everyone else, - replied the journalist.
- No, who gave you that information? Last year, our GDP growth was 5%. This year it will be 1 to 2 percent. growth, - Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki continued. – I know that Germany will go into recession, probably also Italy and Great Britain, but not Poland – assured the Prime Minister.
The whole interview can be easily found on Facebook (, but for some reason, not on CNN_com.