Armia Ukrainy kupi od nas 100 sztuk Rosomaków, które są produkowane w Siemianowicach Śląskich. Rosomaki to transportery bojowe z najwyższej półki.
— Mateusz Morawiecki (@MorawieckiM) April 1, 2023
Zapłata za ten zakup będzie z pieniędzy UE i USA. 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸
As a Polish portal oriented towards military issues, Defence24(dot)pl writes: Rosomak IFVs have undoubtedly become one of the flagships of the Polish Armed Forces. Introduced in 2004, when the Polish Army began its mission in Afghanistan, the vehicle was undoubtedly a technological leap for soldiers with archaic (Soviet era) BWP-1 at their disposal [...]
The Rosomak, a vehicle based on the Patria AMV 8x8, was also the first modern combat vehicle design whose technology was transferred (licensed) to the Polish industry. The design of the Patria AMV was selected over the Swiss Piranha III and the Austrian Pandur II.
Polish Armed Forces bought over 1000 of these vehicles.