Friday, June 16, 2023

Intel will build a plant in Poland worth over PLN 20 billion ($4.5B)

Niezalezna(.)pl: Intel wants to invest $4.6 billion and employ 2,000 people at the semiconductor integration and testing facility near Wrocław, the company announced today. "Intel will carry out the largest greenfield investment in the history of Poland," commented Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

Intel Newsroom: Investment near Wrocław, Poland, will help create a first-of-its-kind end-to-end leading-edge manufacturing semiconductor value chain in Europe.


  • Investment of up to $4.6 billion will create approximately 2,000 Intel jobs and thousands of indirect supplier and temporary construction jobs.
  • The new facility will help meet the demand for assembly and test capacity anticipated in the coming years.
  • Facilities will be constructed according to green building principles and operate with high environmental standards to minimize carbon footprint and environmental impact.
  • Intel’s investment will help the European Union work toward its goal of a more resilient semiconductor supply chain.