Niezalezna(.)pl: The latest episode of the documentary, "Reset", revealed a new, sensational note that was hidden from the President of the Republic of Poland by the officials in Donald Tusk's government.
It concerns plans to separate the Katyn visits. According to Moscow, the presence of Lech Kaczyński in Katyn together with Tusk "would not be conducive to the work of Polish-Russian reconciliation."
During a meeting between Andrzej Kremer (who died on 10 April 2010 in Smolensk), deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Vladimir Titov, deputy foreign minister of Russia, Titov directly said that Russia was afraid of "political and historical hype" that President Lech Kaczynski could cause at the Katyn celebrations.
The note reads:
"Minister Titov [...] emphasized that the Russian side is particularly afraid of 'political and historical' hype, which could be caused by, for example, the current President of the Republic of Poland on the occasion of the commemoration ceremony of the Katyn massacre. This would not be conducive to the work of Polish-Russian reconciliation."
Hiding important documents from the President should be criminal and probably is. We will see what Polish prosecutors will do about it.