Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Did former Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk, commit treason?

Yesterday, the latest episode of the documentary series "Reset" brought the most shocking revelation until now. Even more shocking than last week's revelation that Poland would establish defense lines against Russian invasion in the middle of the country hoping to retake lost territory in the counter offensive months later.

Yesterday, it was revealed that in 2013, months before Russia invaded Ukraine, the Polish Military Counterintelligence Service (SKW) and the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) signed a cooperation agreement. In article 2, point b) of the FSB-SKW agreement can be read: 

"the parties provide mutual assistance in the following main areas of cooperation in the field of military counterintelligence: counteracting intelligence and subversive activities of special services of third countries, directed against the Russian Federation or the Republic of Poland."

The historian and co-author of Reset, professor Cenckiewicz, said: 'This exactly qualifies as treason,' and we must agree on that.

- This meant that Poland was obliged to provide operational assistance to the Russian secret service in the scope of activities directed against Russia by all countries except those covered by this agreement - he continued.

- It must also be said that the processing of this agreement and the very conspiracy of contacts and cooperation with the Russians - especially in the years 2011-2014 - took place outside the normal procedures related to allied consultations - he emphasized. He added that "it will not be a betrayal of secrecy if I say that there are simply no documents confirming that the matter was consulted in the allied intelligence community of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization."

Prof. Cenckiewicz emphasized that "Donald Tusk, as prime minister, gave his consent to cooperate with the Russians. However, he never issued written instructions regarding the proceedings and acceptance of the content of the SKW-FSB agreement. He consented to cooperation in 2011, but there is no evidence that the content of the Polish-Russian agreement signed by Nosek in St. Petersburg on September 11, 2013, was in any way processed in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister or consulted with the country's leadership."

PN: In my opinion, the arrest warrants should be issued today for Mr. Tusk and everyone involved, and perhaps the elections, which are scheduled for October 15th, should be postponed. 

Based on reporting by Niezalezna(.)pl and Dorzeczy(.)pl.