Thursday, November 23, 2023

End of negotiations between Poland and Pfizer. The case will go to court

Wpolityce(.)pl: Negotiations lasting over a year have not led to an amicable solution to the issue of supplies of COVID-19 vaccines; Pfizer took it to court, and the preliminary court hearing is scheduled for December 6, informed the Ministry of Health.

The dispute with Pfizer concerns contracts obliging Poland to purchase further batches of vaccines against COVID-19. In the face of many months of oversupply, as well as the burden on public finances as a consequence of Russian armed aggression against Ukraine, Poland decided to renegotiate agreements concluded at an earlier stage of the COVID-19 pandemic.

On April 12, 2022, Poland notified Pfizer of the occurrence of force majeure, a state of emergency related to the consequences of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine.

This mechanism results from the agreement concluded between Poland and Pfizer; it is an EU contract. The notification indicated that due to the previously unforeseeable situation related to the support provided by Poland to war refugees from Ukraine and the Ukrainian government, Poland requested the cessation of the production and supply of vaccine.

Representatives of Pfizer - despite repeated declarations that they are ready for dialogue with Poland and understand the situation in which the Polish government is concentrating its efforts to help the war-torn country - did not present actual solutions to this extraordinary situation – said the spokeswoman for Ministry of Health. 

The preliminary court hearing will be held on December 6, 2023.

Moderna was more understanding and reformulated the contract with Poland.