Sunday, January 21, 2024

Strong words from the President of Poland about the European Commission

President Andrzej Duda said that there is no doubt that blocking the EU funds was related to an attempt to force a change of government in Poland.

Duda was asked about media reports that the European Commission is looking for a way to circumvent his possible presidential veto and is considering transferring money from the structural funds.

"Some time ago, former Prime Minister and now MEP Leszek Miller said that the most important milestone in obtaining money from the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO)is the change of power in Poland. This is essentially what Brussels wanted. The liberal-left circles that rule in the European Union are Prime Minister Donald Tusk's party colleagues. For them, Tusk's victory in the elections, which was achieved through various efforts as the so-called abroad they managed to achieve, is a sufficient reason to stop blocking the KPO," - answered the president.

One of the major demands from the EU regarding the "rule of law" in Poland was a judiciary reform based on the demand of the political left. The president declared that he was open to negotiations on changes in the justice system but added that there was an important condition: 

"I will not allow any verification of judges appointed during the 8.5 years of my presidency. These people have gone through all the procedures before joining the judicial ranks or being promoted. They were appointed in accordance with the regulations, took oaths before the president, and received nominations. I will not allow these people to be verified and persecuted," – said Andrzej Duda.

He stressed that judges must remain fully independent.

"As for other aspects of changes in the justice system, I am open. I will discuss what during the meeting with Commissioner Vera Jurova and during the meeting with Prime Minister Tusk," – added the president. "As for the KPO, I have no doubt what the point was with blocking the money from the KPO. This was a purely political action. It was an attempt to force a change of government in Poland, and current events confirm it," - added the president.