Wpolityce(.)pl: Several weeks before Polish parliamentary elections, a major opposition party, Civic Platform, received a substantial loan from a German bank, $9.8M.
Some people did wonder how the loan would be repaid.
The Prime Minister from the Civic Platform announced during his visit to Berlin that the issue of German reparations to Poland was closed. February miracle?
During a press conference, he stressed that "in the formal, legal, and international sense, the issue of reparations was closed many years ago."
"The question of moral, financial, and material redress was never implemented - not through Chancellor Scholz's fault and not through my fault. This is always a good topic for a good conversation, but unlike my predecessors, together with Chancellor Scholz, I will look for forms of cooperation that will not make the past a fate that would weigh down our relations," he said.
"I would very much like this historical reflection and decision to satisfy us, to serve the future, and to ensure common security. And I think - I suspect that the Chancellor may have a different opinion here - I think that Germany has something to do here," - added.