"I accuse them of making a mockery of Polish parliamentarism. I accuse PO of hiding the truth," - former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Thursday.
The former prime minister and vice-president of Law and Justice appears today before the parliamentary investigative committee on mail-in presidential elections. Shortly before the hearing began, Mateusz Morawiecki called a press conference. Its topic was the committee's subject of interest.
– "Today we are dealing with the 2020 presidential elections and an investigative commission was established to investigate the organization of these elections. To provide context for this election, we need to provide context for how we operated at the time. These were elections in the face of a pandemic, and this factor was the reason why in many countries elections were held in a different way than usual, i.e. by correspondence," - the former prime minister began.
He said that he was not ashamed of any of the decisions made at that time , and at that time "Poland acted properly" and coped with the pandemic better than many other countries.
Morawiecki said that those in power had to organize the presidential elections during the pandemic, because there are clearly defined constitutional deadlines when such elections must be held.
"These time frames are precisely defined from 100 days to 75 days preceding the end of the term of office of a given president. So we had to organize these elections at that time. (…) the best method, later approved by WHO (…), is postal elections."
In the end the election were held in traditional way by in-person voting.
- Based on reporting by Dorzeczy and Wpolityce.