Sunday, July 14, 2024

Investigators from Ombudsman's office visited Father Olszewski in custody. Some of them "burst into tears"

 After the publication of the priest's letter, the Commissioner for Human Rights could not remain indifferent to his terrible treatment. On July 8, it was reported that the deputy Commissioner for Human Rights, Wojciech Brzozowski, asked the head of the Internal Security Agency and the commander of the capital city police to explain whether there was no improper treatment of Father Michał Olszewski during his arrest.

Priest's attorney-at-law, Krzysztof Wąsowski, informed the Ombudsman’s officials have already taken the first steps.

- The officials have already visited Father Michał. We'll see what they can determine - he told the portal

"We also heard from Father Michał that when the ladies saw how he was treated when they saw the documents he refused to sign when they heard his story, what his cell looked like, they simply cried."

Both ladies are officials with extensive experience. They told Father Michał that he was not treated according to the applicable standards.

- Based on reporting by Niezalezna.