Thursday, December 19, 2024

The Hungarian government granted international protection to MP Romanowski

The Hungarian government accepted the request of MP Marcin Romanowski and granted him international protection under the Asylum Act of 2007 in connection with the actions taken by the Polish government and the National Prosecutor's Office subordinate to it in violation of his rights and freedoms - said attorney Bartosz Lewandowski on X.

Attorney Lewandowski provided information about his client in an extensive entry: "Dr. Marcin Romanowski asked the Hungarian authorities for protection in connection with politically motivated actions by the services and the National Prosecutor's Office, which resulted in, among others, unlawful deprivation of liberty and violation of international law."

"The reason for granting protection was the direct interference and influence of politicians of the current ruling majority in Poland on the investigation, which was demonstrated by documents in the possession of MP Romanowski."

In his application, Romanowski also indicated that he "cannot count on a fair trial in Poland due to the political involvement of some judges who openly support the current Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, as well as publicly declaring the need to carry out the so-called "settlements", and therefore sentencing politicians of the largest opposition party in Poland. 

This is the first case of a Polish politician being granted international protection in another country after 1989.

- Based on reporting by Niezalezna(.)pl