Saturday, December 7, 2024

The presidential campaign in Poland has started

The presidential campaign in Poland has started. The largest Polish party held a "pre-campaign" convention today, during which their candidate introduced his program. 

I can't write that the campaign has "officially started" because that would be false. The Speaker of Sejm (and the candidate) announced the start of the campaign. Still, he forgot that some regions of the country had recently been flooded and were in a state of emergency, and the campaign could start at least 30 days after the end of the emergency. Unfortunately, the fact that he forgot about the flooding shows how the current government treats the victims of this flood. They have simply forgotten about them. The material and financial help is simply not coming. 

Although the election campaign will formally begin in early January, individual candidates have set off in Poland and are working at full speed. Independent candidate Karol Nawrocki decided to help the flood victims. He went to the areas most affected by the tragic flood. Specifically, he appeared in a small town, Lądek-Zdrój.

The television station TVN headline writes: He got up at one o'clock, carried bags, and introduced his son.

The governing party did not like that. Krzysztof Brejza, the Civic Coalition's politician, even writes about a "circus" straight from North Korea:

"What did Nawrocki and PiS do today? In an entirely heartless way, they used people who suffered in the flood a few months ago for their political game. The circus of carrying bags and coolers, worthy of North Korean propaganda, is a politically miserable and humanly despicable element of the PiS campaign."

PiS (Law and Justice) is an opposition party.

- Based on reporting by Dorzecy(.)pl