On Wednesday, January 1, Poland took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. However, the Polish presidency overlaps with the presidential election campaign, which causes several problems. "The first difficulty is the ongoing campaign related to the presidential elections. The national impact may become the most important for the Polish authorities," reports RMF FM.
Before the official start of the presidency, the government decided not to organize a summit in Poland, which is traditionally organized by the country holding the presidency, thanks to which it can emphasize its prestige and influence the decision-making process within the EU.
However, Donald Tusk did not want President Andrzej Duda to act as the host who welcomes EU leaders. The government preferred that no summit be held in Poland than that the president would participate in it.
The government's surprising position was quickly taken advantage of by the new head of the European Council, António Costa. He plans to organize an informal EU summit in Belgium in February.
PM: That is a cause for concern. The PM is openly harassing the sitting president. The last time Donald Tusk acted like that, the President of Poland died in a plane crash in Russia under still not fully explained circumstances (Tusk gave Russia the investigation.) Back then, one of the things he did was to deny the president the use of the government's plane for official visits.
- Based on reporting by Dorzeczy(.)pl