In a last 5 weeks or so the LGBT movement in Poland went too far and found themselves on very shaky ground. During that time they organized parades, part of the worldwide Pride Month, in several large cities and each one created a scandal involving desecration of religious symbols, including the most important one in Poland, the icon of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa. What just about everybody saw was their unmitigated hate of Christianity and freedom of beliefs. Until now, the Polish Catholic Church has taken it in stride, and taken it, until they could not take it anymore.
In June, hundreds of Polish Catholics blocked the street to their nation’s holiest shrine as an LGBT march approached a children’s rosary procession. It was the 20th Pilgrimage of the Children’s Backyard Rosary Circles to the Shrine of Jasna Góra in Częstochowa and it was feared that the pro-homosexual demonstration would invade the sanctuary of Jasna Góra, where the icon of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa is housed. Nothing, however stopped LGBT marchers from the profanation of the image of Our Lady of Częstochowa by depicting her with a rainbow for a halo.
In light of previous parades and the new one planned for July 20th in the city of Białegostok the archbishop Tadeusz Wojda wrote a letter, an appeal, which will be read in the churches of the Archdiocese of Bialystok regarding the LGBT parade.
"On July 20th, a march of LGBT communities (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transvestite) is planned in Bialystok. This initiative is foreign to our region and the community, which is deeply rooted in God, concerned about the welfare of our society, especially children." "The march, although it presupposes counteracting the alleged discrimination of the LGBT communities, in fact favors discrimination against others - those whose conscience is sensitive to social, Christian and moral good, and is a place to insult and make parodies of what is of the highest value for believers" - writes the archbishop.
"The participants of the march with their offensive posture and attire gave a scandalous example to others who were using the public space at the time, especially children and young people." He added that in the course of the parade "they scorned Christian values, the sacred symbols were profaned, blasphemies were spoken against God and vulgarity towards believers".
"We repeat after cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, "non possumus", we cannot agree to it! We cannot allow our values and religious feelings to be ridiculed with impunity" - he wrote and appealed not to be indifferent to this fact.
"The Gospel teaches us respect and love for every human being, and we try to do that, but we cannot allow others to mock our faith and deprave the youngest. The Church and Christian families have the right to protect the children and to express objections to the danger of demoralization of the young, which is guaranteed in article 72 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland - wrote archbishop Wojda.