Sunday, January 3, 2021

Immunizations in Poland: "group zero" will get expanded

Vaccinations against COVID-19 began in Poland last Sunday. Healthcare workers ("group zero") are vaccinated first. The deadline for registration for vaccinations in "group zero" was extended to January 14. Then the vaccine will be given to seniors, uniformed services, teachers. According to government representatives' announcements, the registration for vaccination for people outside the priority groups will start on January 15.

Meanwhile, the health minister informed that the "group zero" will be extended to include parents of premature babies. They so far could not be with their children due to restrictions related to the pandemic. The head of the health ministry, also referred to the vaccine scandal for celebrities in his Twitter post.

"Parents of premature babies are included in the vaccination at stage zero so that they can visit their children in hospitals without any problems. The priority in access to vaccinations must result from special risk and need, and not from public awareness or political status" - wrote the minister.