On April 6, a Polish Energy Group (PGE) submitted to the Court of Justice of the European Union response to the application for the immediate closure of PGE's mine in Turów, Poland. The company sees the Czech Republic's demands as a dangerous precedent that carries a severe risk of a "wild" energy transformation, in contrast to the fair one promoted by the European Commission.
"The Czech government's demand to close the mine and the complaint to the CJEU question the fundamental assumptions of a just transition and carry a serious risk of a collapse of the Polish power system, as well as the collapse of the entire region in Poland, on the border with the Czech Republic and Germany."
"The 'wild' energy transition is extremely dangerous and contradicts the planned, stable, and just transition envisaged by the European Union under the Green Deal. Although EU leaders are still negotiating the mechanisms of its implementation, only one Polish mine has found the center of international accusations. Although it is one of the smallest in the entire region - dominated by Czech and German "opencasts" - it is Turów that may become a symbol of the emerging, gross injustice. The uncontrolled and immediate collapse of the energy complex will inevitably lead to the destruction of the entire region's community. Meanwhile, several dozen kilometers away, many times larger mines operating in the Czech Republic and Germany have a much stronger impact on the environment and local communities - says Wioletta Czemiel-Grzybowska, President of the Management Board of PGE."