"78 years ago Germany and the world were liberated from the tyranny of National Socialism," wrote Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the anniversary of Germany's surrender.
That did not play well among Polish politicians. According to news portal Niezalezna, Deputy Prime Minister Jacek Sasin wrote:
"Chancellor Scholz is trying in a bizarre way to shift the responsibility for the horror of World War II off the Germans. For 78 years, Germany has not settled its crimes, has not paid Poland compensation for murder and destruction. Not National Socialists, not fascists, not Nazis, but Germans."
"Scholz stated that 78 years ago »Germany was liberated from the tyranny of National Socialism«. Germans first created the myth of stateless »Nazis«, and now they go further and start presenting Germany as a victim of Nazism, commented formem PM, Beata Szydło.
"It's insolence and a mockery of the victims of German crimes," she added.
On October 3 , Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau sent a diplomatic note to the German government regarding war reparations. In it, Poland demands, compensation for material and intangible losses in the amount of PLN 6.2 billion ($1.5B).
On January 3 this year the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs replied to this note. According to the German government, the issue of reparations and compensation for war losses remains closed, and the German government does not intend to enter into negotiations on this matter.