Monday, August 21, 2023

European Commission is already meddling with upcoming Polish elections

wPolityce(.)pl: The European Commission is preparing to attack the election results in Poland and is indirectly starting to influence the election campaign. The reporters from a news portal wPolityce saw the content of the letter that Comissioner Didier Reynders sent to the Polish government. The Commissioner directly questions the status of the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs, which is the Chamber that will decide on the validity of the October elections.

Reynders, in an extremely brazen tone, attacks last year's changes in the Supreme Court (including the dissolution of the Disciplinary Chamber and replacing it with the Chamber of Professional Responsibility). According to the Eurocrat, Poland still does not meet the conditions that would satisfy the judges and its political allies in the European Commission.

According to the reporters that shows that the "caste" of Polish judges (the profession has special status closed to "outsiders"), the leaders of opposition parties, and the European Commission intend to undermine the status of this Chamber and therefore also undermine its future decision to evaluate the elections. They say that preparations for this operation began several months ago.

"... The new law entrusted the Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs Chamber of the Supreme Court with cases concerning the retirement of Supreme Court judges. However, there are reasonable doubts as to whether these two chambers of the Supreme Court meet the requirement of independence within the meaning of Art. 19 sec. 1 second subparagraph TEU" – reads Reynders' letter.

The mere questioning of the status of the Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs, a few months before the elections, helps the politicians of the Civic Coalition headed by Donald Tusk in case they lose.

If the quarreling opposition loses the autumn elections, there may be an attempt at a street coup after an outpouring of frustration among its electorate.