Sunday, May 26, 2024

French PM spoke too soon. The opposition party demands additional session of Polish Sejm

 The Law and Justice party (PiS) wants an additional session of the Sejm because of the French Prime Minister's words regarding the migration pact.

"Everything indicates that Donald Tusk lied when he said that Poland would not have to accept illegal migrants," - Mariusz Błaszczak, PiS MP, wrote on X.

Gabriel Attal, head of the French government, announced that they managed to 'force' Eastern European countries to sign a document obliging them to accept migrants or pay high fees for refusal. "This matter must be clarified as soon as possible," Błaszczak wrote.

After the European Parliament approved the migration pact in April, Prime Minister Donald Tusk said it was "unacceptable for Poland" in its current form. "I am aware that some people will be upset with me. Half of the capitals called about this matter, and so did European institutions," - he said.

"But I won't change my mind here, especially after the visa scandals and the mess PiS has made regarding border security. I will be adamant about this issue," announced Donald Tusk.

The migration pact assumes that member states will have a choice between agreeing to the relocation and admission of migrants and paying the so-called solidarity contribution (EUR 20,000 for each rejected foreigner).

On May 14, in Brussels, representatives of EU countries adopted further documents regarding the "common asylum system" reform. Only Poland and Hungary voted against it.