President Biden calls it a success of his diplomacy. Polish government is also trying to get a huge credit for this success, but there this tiny, little, problem. They didn't get anything in exchange, and there is at least one prisoner they should want to see set free.
The condition of the previous Polish government as part of the prisoner exchange was "to transfer to Poland Andrzej Poczobut, sentenced in Belarus to 8 years in prison, and Russian W., who has a Pole's Card, sentenced to 12 years in a gulag for collaborating with the Polish services." The current government didn't get anything for the exchange just a credit and a mention in press release. The question is if they even try?
Mr. Poczobut is in Belarusian prison for simply being a Polish-Belarusian journalist and activist.
- Based on reporting by Wpolityce and Niezalezna.