The National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) states that Prime Minister Donald Tusk's press conferences are censored and violate citizens' right to access information.
The KRRiT published a letter from its chairman, Maciej Świrski, to the Commissioner for Human Rights, Marcin Wiącek. The document concerns the situation on Thursday during the meeting between the head of government and the media. The head of the Council has no doubt that there has been another violation of the constitution and press law - just as it happened in the past after questions from TV Republika journalists.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk was asked an uncomfortable question at Thursday's press conference. It was about his words from March 2022. The head of the Civic Platform said at a pre-campaign meeting that Donald Trump was recruited by Russian services. He swore that this resulted from the findings of American intelligence services.
Tusk replied, "I have never made such suggestions." His Thursday statement quickly became viral on the Internet, especially since it is accompanied by a video in which he says these words.
At the above-mentioned conference, Monika Rutke, a journalist from 'Solidarity Weekly' (Tygodnik Solidarność), asked Tusk about his statements. The Prime Minister's Office did not like raising uncomfortable issues.
The spokeswoman for the Prime Minister told the journalist that she will not be allowed to attend future conferences.
This is what caused the reaction from the Chairman of the National Broadcasting Council, Maciej Świrski.
He noted that regarding the government's approach to TV Republika, he had already sent two notifications to the prosecutor's office regarding the possibility of committing a crime related to limiting the right to public information and press criticism.
PN: I am sure that after the prosecutor's office receives such notifications, the Prime Minister will definitely stop breaking the Constitution on a daily basis and will now do that every other day.
- Based on reporting by Niezalezna(.)pl