Friday, July 31, 2020
Izera, the electric drive of Polish economy
The Polish electric car gives the opportunity to create a national specialization in the automotive industry and support companies in building a competitive offer on the global market. Unique technological solutions created in cooperation with the world of science are to help with this. - Our long-term goal is not only to create a local supply chain, but also to increase the innovation of the entire sector - declare representatives of ElectroMobility Poland.
- Electromobility is no longer a foggy vision of the future, but a technological and business reality that we must begin to use effectively. The automotive industry is the second largest industrial sector in the country. The production segment employs over 200,000 people. Trade and industry-related services amount to another 270 thousand jobs. Automotive industry makes about 7 percent of Polish GDP. We are also the largest country in Europe that does not have its own car brand. The majority of the owners of the technologies on the basis of which the cars are made are foreign companies. Around 70 percent of what we produce is intended for export. We want Izera to be a catalyst for changes that will increase the innovation of the entire industry and prepare it for the challenges of the changing market reality. This is a chance to create a new Polish specialization based on our own solutions that will be able to compete on the global market - says Małgorzata Królak, director of the ElectroMobility Poland project office.